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NEWS > General
Posted by ENSW on 03/04/2015.

2015 Engagement Survey

 Equestrian Australia (EA) and the EA State Branches are inviting contributions to the 2015 EA Engagement Survey. This survey is open to all current EA members, club members, past members and prospective members as well as anybody who has an interest in Australian equine sport activities!

 As an incentive for contributing to the survey, one person will win a grand prize consisting of a 38mm Silver/White Apple Watch (Sport) and an EA Membership, valued at approx. $990.00. You may choose to enter the random draw at the end of the survey.


 The survey will take no longer than 10 minutes to complete, will be anonymous and is generic to all ages, involvement in the sport and any discipline preference.  

 A survey of this kind was last run by EA and the states back in 2011. The survey aims to gain an insight into how individuals engage with the offerings of equestrian sport and the activities which they undertake. The results of this survey will be used to assist in further developing the value, services and benefits for current and prospective members. 

 The information collected will play a vital part in EA’s future planning and program development for all disciplines and demographic groups.

 The survey closes midnight 30th April 2015 – don’t miss out on your opportunity to contribute to the future development of your sport and win a great prize. 

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